Report an issue in Parafield Gardens.

Something need Solving in Parafield Gardens? Send us a Snap (or five) and we’ll get your problem to someone who can Solve it. C’mon, your community is counting on you.

Our mascot Sweep snapping an issue.

Become a local legend, download the app.

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Snapped and Solved in Parafield Gardens.

Parking signs needed a little attention in Parafield Gardens. See how it went from Snapped to Solved by playing with the cool slider thingy.

Got an issue in your area? Do your bit by sending a Snap.

Send a Snap
A fixed signA damaged sign

Snapped and Solved in Parafield Gardens.

Overgrown vegetation needed a little attention in Parafield Gardens. See how it went from Snapped to Solved by playing with the cool slider thingy. Got an issue in your area? Do your bit by sending a Snap.

Send a Snap
Overgrown vegetation after SolvingOvergrown vegetation

Snapped and Solved in Parafield Gardens.

Drumped trolleys needed a little attention in Parafield Gardens. See how it went from Snapped to Solved by playing with the cool slider thingy. Got an issue in your area? Do your bit by sending a Snap.

Send a Snap
A trolley after solvingAn abandoned trolley

Snapped and Solved in Parafield Gardens.

Overgrown vegetation needed a little attention in Parafield Gardens. See how it went from Snapped to Solved by playing with the cool slider thingy. Got an issue in your area? Do your bit by sending a Snap.

Send a Snap
A fixed drainA broken drain

Snapped and Solved in Parafield Gardens.

Broken fencing needed a little attention in Parafield Gardens. See how it went from Snapped to Solved by playing with the cool slider thingy. Got an issue in your area? Do your bit by sending a Snap.

Send a Snap
A fence after SolvingA broken fence

Snapped and Solved in Parafield Gardens.

Broken play equipment needed a little attention in Parafield Gardens. See how it went from Snapped to Solved by playing with the cool slider thingy. Got an issue in your area? Do your bit by sending a Snap.

Send a Snap
A swing set after SolvingA swing set before Snapping

Snapped and Solved in Parafield Gardens.

Wild weather damage needed a little attention in Parafield Gardens. See how it went from Snapped to Solved by playing with the cool slider thingy. Got an issue in your area? Do your bit by sending a Snap.

Send a Snap
Wild weather

Snapped and Solved in Parafield Gardens.

Abandoned shopping trolleys needed a little attention in Parafield Gardens. See how it went from Snapped to Solved by playing with the cool slider thingy. Got an issue in your area? Do your bit by sending a Snap.

Send a Snap
A trolley after SolvingAn abandoned trolley
Do your bit

Spotted an issue in Parafield Gardens, 5107? Report it to City of Salisbury.

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Car park chaos near Parafield Gardens High School. Overflowing rubbish bins in Parafield Gardens Recreation Reserve. Tyre puncturing potholes along Kings Road. Like Parafield Gardens, every area has their own unique issues to Solve. Luckily, nobody knows them better than the Snappers who live, work and play there. And, of course, the Solvers who keep them at their best.

So whether you see something while walking Frankie, commuting to work or playing in the park, we’re here for it—to connect problems to problem-solvers like City of Salisbury, your water provider and so on. Sure, you can always report issues over the phone. But our free app is where it’s at (nudge nudge).

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How it Works

Snap photo screenSnap map screenSnap send screen
Step 1


Snap a photo of the issue directly in the app or upload it from your library. You can add up to five if you’re feeling extra Snappy.

Snap photo screen
STep 2


After confirming the location, simply select your incident type and hit send. If you like, you can also add a few extra details.

Snap map screen
Step 3


Having sent your Snaps and details to the right Solver, the fix is in. No hunting for details or emailing back and forth. The app does it all, including keeping you up to date.

Snap send screen
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