Snapper Elizabeth Highlights Accessibility Parking Issues in Perth
"I am forced on to the road to get around it".
Snapper Elizabeth Edmondson recently spoke to Perth Now about her frustration when faced with cars parked across footpaths. At Snap Send Solve, we do what we can to keep shared spaces safe, clean, and great to be in.
A blocked footpath can be a small frustration for some, but it can also create a needlessly dangerous situation for others. If you or someone you know experiences mobility issues, the footpath becomes a necessity for accessing vital services, workplaces, and recreational areas. When footpaths are obstructed, often the only option is to navigate on and off busy roads with little to no visibility.
Car parking violations have skyrocketed by 122% across Perth, affecting people with disabilities.
Public spaces and amenities are available and should be accessible to everyone.
Each one of us has the power to make a difference in the lives of individuals with accessibility challenges. The simplest and most effective action we can take is to report instances of illegal parking with options like Snap Send Solve. This will help councils identify hotspots so that effective measures can be put into place. Not only does this help deter further violations, but it also sends a clear message that our community stands united in support of inclusion.
So, the next time you witness a parking violation, take action and Snap! Your simple act of reporting can contribute to a more accessible and inclusive future for all.