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Illegal Parking in Private Carparks

June 28, 2024

We've all experienced it — you’re at a shopping centre, and there's a car parked in the disabled parking spot without a permit. Or perhaps at your local gym and there's a car that's overstayed its welcome. These spaces are meant for everyone's convenience, but sometimes they're misused. Here at Snap Send Solve, we understand that private car parks are not typically managed by local councils or road authorities, making it tricky to report these incidents.

Snap Send Solve: Your Ally Against Illegal Parking

Disabled parking bays, especially in places like shopping centres, private clinics, and other private properties, can be enforceable by local governments in Australia and New Zealand. With Snap Send Solve, capturing evidence of such parking violations is straightforward. Just take a Snap, Send it through our platform, and watch it get Solved.

Enforcing Disabled Parking Australia-Wide and in New Zealand

In Australia, each state and territory manages the enforcement of disabled parking under the Australian Disability Parking Scheme (ADPS), which provides a nationally recognised Australian Disability Parking Permit. Enforcement is taken seriously, maintaining accessibility for those who need it most.

These permits are recognised in:

  • Australian Capital Territory
  • New South Wales
  • Northern Territory
  • Queensland
  • South Australia
  • Tasmania
  • Victoria
  • Western Australia

Each Australian state and territory has specific guidelines under the ADPS.

In New Zealand, property owners dictate the enforcement of mobility parking permits on private land. Action can be taken against unauthorised parking if the property owner requires the display of a Mobility Parking Permit.

We're Here for Every Car Park

No matter where you are — a shopping centre car park or a private clinic — Snap Send Solve is your tool for reporting and resolving parking misuse. With every Snap you're ensuring accessibility and respect for those who need it most. So next time you spot a parking issue, let Snap Send Solve be your ally in making a difference.

Join us in bettering shared spaces — one report at a time.

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